Where the Kids Roam

1001 BTMs – #3 Eye of the Earth in Croatia

Eye of the Earth

1001 BTMs – #3 Eye of the Earth in Croatia Located about an hour north of Split, Croatia, at the heart of the Cetina River source, lies the Eye of the Earth. I can’t say I’ve seen anything like it anywhere else in the world.  The Cetina River source, also known as “Vrelo Cetine,” is located near the village of Cetina, in the foothills of the Dinara mountain range. Here are general directions from Dubrovnik to the Cetina River source: Take the A1 Highway (Autocesta A1): Head northwest from Dubrovnik toward Split on the A1 Highway. The A1 is a well-maintained toll highway. Continue on A1 Towards Split: Stay on the A1 Highway and continue toward Split. Exit onto D1: Near the town of Šestanovac, take the exit onto the D1 road. Head toward Cetina: Follow the signs and directions toward the village of Cetina. Arrive at Cetina River Source (Vrelo Cetine): Once you reach Cetina, inquire locally or follow signs to the Cetina River source, known as Vrelo Cetine. https://wherethekidsroam.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Eye-of-the-Earth.mp4

1001 BTMs – #2  El Pijaral, the Enchanted Forest (Bosque Encantado)

Canaries 15

The Canary Islands off the northwest coast of Africa are diverse as all heck. And the island of Tenerife is no exception. On the same day, you could be sitting on a sunny beach, hovering over the clouds in a pine forest, climbing up Mars-like terrain near one of the largest volcanoes in the world, sacrificing a virgin to appease the island god, and hiking in a forest that looks like it houses the last of the evil killer fairies. At the northeast end of Tenerife, you’ll find the latter – El Pijaral. You’ll need to book a reservation to secure one of only 45 spots a day well (only about ~40 people make it back out each day, because, well…killer fairies and all) in advance, or risk getting a hefty fine.  But, once in, it’s simple magic.    https://wherethekidsroam.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/IMG_5056-1.movhttps://wherethekidsroam.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/IMG_5052.movhttps://wherethekidsroam.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/IMG_5029.mov

1001 BTMs – #1 Walking Down the al-Sīq to the Treasury in Petra

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To begin my list of beautiful travel moments (BTMs), I’m starting off with one of my premier locations – Petra in Jordan. Recall, I ranked Petra as my #2 Wonder of the World. But, my BTMs are meant to be more exact than whole locations and entire trips. They’re meant to recall small moments in time. Places where the dopamine hits high. Places where you can say, at the moment, everything is right with the world. Well, walking down the narrow pathway (al-Sīq) to the very famous Treasury in Petra was just that moment.  Except for one horse-drawn cart that passed us, we had the whole walk to ourselves. Anticipation was running high. After all, my hero (and close friend), Indiana Jones came strolling through this very location. And the payoff did not disappoint.  Like peering through the drapes at your very attractive neighbor…errr, I mean…like pulling back the drapes of your hotel room to see the splendor of the sun setting over the ocean while your attractive neighbor walks by…ugh. Let’s start over. The rocks look like curtains or drapes, and you get a glimpse of the magnificently-carved Treasury through these rock-drapes. In other words, the narrow passageway provides the perfect reveal – slow and dramatic. It’s perfect. And there’s just nothing like it anywhere else in the world.